)7/21/2023 Chef Takeover


Fire: Tomato Base Reishi Red Lentil Soup. (GF) (Contains Honey) (Pitta)

Water: Very Berry Kheer made with Raisins, Figs, Acai, Aronia, Indian Gooseberry, Elderberry, and fresh Strawberries, Blueberries,  Blackberries and Raspberries Sweetened with Maple Syrup. (GF, V) (Kapha)
Air: Veggie roll with chickpeas, Tahini avocados, squash, quinoa,  and mushrooms sealed with honey. (GF)Veggie roll with carrots, tahini, and quinoa. (V)

Earth: Veggie bowl served on a bed of greens topped with an earthy amaranth pesto. (GF, VO) (Sauce Contains Honey)


Potato stir fry with ground beef, cheese mushrooms and bell peppers in a tomato sauce with ashwagandha (GF)

Kitchari (Rice and Mung Dahl) with option to add ghee (GF,VO)

Dessert: Dragon Bread. (Oats, bananas, Dragon Fruit, cinnamon, Maca). (GF)(VO) (Contains Ghee, and Honey) 

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